Join the thousands using raisepapers
to create, file and manage all of your
capital raising docs online
Easy to use Form Cs, C-ARs, 1-As, Ds and
subscription agreements.
All in One Form C
Everything you need to file
a Form C with the SEC
  • $3,500 includes:
  • Form ID, Form C
  • Concierge Service
  • Attorney Review
Reg CF Annual Report
Staying compliant with the SEC is
more important than ever
  • $875 includes:
  • Concierge Service
  • Filing with the SEC
  • Attorney Review
Reg D/Reg A
Save money by drafting a PPM
or 1-A with a network attorney
  • Reg D/A includes:
  • PPM $5,000
  • 1-A $40,000
  • Attorney Review


“Founders today are looking for a fast, easy, and reliable legal solution for their Reg Cf offerings.
Fortunately, raisepapers covers all the bases. They are best-in-class.”

Darren Marble, CEO Issuance Express

How we

It’s as easy as …
Introduce your founders to our team
Let us manage the filing process for your founders
Know that your founders stay compliant with the SEC

We know that platforms have enough to do, like attracting founders, monitoring deals, preparing campaign pages, managing escrow.

And if you’ve ever tried taking a founder through the Form C, you know that it is a very arduous process. Founders need to gather documents, organize financials, plan the business, balance the cap table, and on! Most of them need a hand holding to guide them through the process and help getting their forms filed with the EDGAR system.

This is what we do. Our team of paralegals will lead your founder through the entire Form C process from filing a Form ID to get registered with the SEC, to completing bad actor checks, and populating a draft of the Form C. Our network of CPAs can assist with financial preparation and our network of securities attorneys can review the Form C draft for final approval and filing. This process typically takes a founder 4-6 weeks.

So all you have to do is make the introduction, and we handle the rest!


How we

It’s as easy as …
Raise capital through Reg CF, Reg D, or Reg A
One-on-one assistance in drafting and filing SEC forms
Network referral Attorneys and CPAs

Raising capital is not easy. We make it easier.

Founders need to focus on running their companies. And raising capital can be a job on its own. That’s where we come in. Our All in One Form C service provides a step by step process and a personally assigned paralegal to guide you. And we do it in the most cost effective and orderly way, setting the gold standard for the industry. Our on-staff securities attorney can answer questions and assist in your legal needs including company formation, corporate conversion, equity structure, and more. And our CPA referrals can assist with the preparation of your financial documents.

In order to file a Form C, a company first needs to file a Form ID to assign credentials for the SEC’s filing system. Officers and directors are required to file Bad Actor Checks. Next a draft of the Form C, a complex disclosure document required by the SEC in order to crowdfund, needs to be prepared. Finally, a securities attorney will review the Form C draft, finalize it with you and file it with the SEC. The process typically takes between 4-6 weeks start to file depending upon how organized and responsive you are to our team.


Chris Lustrino
Peyton Meredith
Alye Duncan
Lead Paralegal
Alex Ziegler


Gerardo Castro
Lead Developer
Howie Schneider
Doug Ellenoff
Georgia Quinn
Mike Knox